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What You See Is What You Get

My One True Love

            Music is the one thing in my life that will always be there for me. The most amazing things in the world are lyrics. I love when I can relate to such meaningful songs. I have no idea where I would be without music.        

            The main reason why music is so meaningful to me, is the fact that it’s the one thing that can’t ridicule and judge anything I do! It is hard for me to make friends because I somehow always manage to get stabbed in the back, which then leads me to have trust issues. I suppose it’s because I’m too good to people; I would do anything for any one of my friends but I can’t say they feel the same. I try to make everyone else happy without even considering myself. I have a huge problem when it comes to appreciation; my parents raised me to appreciate everything that happens to me, knowing I am more privileged than most children, but knowing I also deserve it. I in return, try to let people know that I appreciate any little thing they do for me. When people don’t ever acknowledge anything I do for them, it hurts. I don’t think people realize that a simple thank you goes a long way. 

            Ever sense we moved last year, I have been battling with depression and music has got me through everything. I can be in the worst mood ever, and put in a CD, and automatically my mood changes. There are so many different kinds of music: Indie, Rock, Ska, Instrumental, Reggae, etc. Music is something that I will always have a strong interest in, and never get bored with.

            I have no favorite music, because of the constant rollercoaster of emotions I project.  Even though it may sound corny, music is my best friend. It will always be there for me no matter what I’m going through and help me get through it. I am thankful for my hearing because without it, I would not be able to experience such talent and happiness. 


          “Without music, life is a journey through a desert,” -Pat Conroy.


A Static Lullaby

...Of course I hear you!
You're the taste upon my lips when I wake.
Sometimes you're the only faith I have.
Searching... always searching for more.
I'm enslaved by you, but you make me feel as free as can be.
I want to touch you.
I'll catch your scent on the air and my feet don't stop, they can't stop!
We must keep dancing in your name!


The only air I breathe.

